Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Truth about Obama’s 2012 Tax Plan:

A small business is defined as an independent business that employs up to 500 employees. Small businesses employ about half of US workers. They accounted for 65% of the new net jobs created between 1993 and 2009. Small business owners pay taxes just like other human beings; they are not affected by the corporate tax rate.

Small businesses hire 43% of high-tech workers, and produce 13 times more patents than per employee than large patenting firms.

According to the US Congresses Joint Committee on Taxation, only 3.5 % of small businesses will see their taxes raised if we pass President Obama’s tax plan which ends Bush-era tax cuts for individuals earning over $100k/year and couples earning over $200k/year.

237/400 of the highest-paying taxpayers in the US are considered “small businesses” but do not create jobs.

In 2009 there were 27.5 million small businesses, so less than 1 million would see their taxes go up. (962,500).

How many of you would see your taxes raised? Do you think this will really have an adverse affect on our economy or do you think it is the only sane way to move forward toward fiscal responsibility?

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