Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Response to Charlie Daniel's Open Letter to President Obama

Here's Charlie Daniels’s open letter To Barack Hussein Obama, with my response in red….
Mr. Obama,
His official title is President Obama, and he will be called that for the rest of his life!
You recently made a statement to the effect that, ”If you have a business you didn't build it, you had help," implying that the federal government helped build our businesses by virtue of paving roads and building bridges and keeping the nation safe from foreign invasion.
First of all, Mr. Obama, if I'm going to take advice about business it will not be from somebody who has had absolutely no business experience like yourself.
That’s just as well since he is not a business consultant and is probably not offering to help you.
Secondly, Mr. Obama, I vehemently disagree with your premise.
Where was your government when I spent as much as 16 weeks away from my wife and infant son to get a business started?
Progressive policies would allow for up to 24 weeks of paternity leave…but if you decide to open a business while your wife is having a baby…it’s not President Obama’s fault!
Where were you on those cold winter nights when my old bus broke down in the middle of nowhere and we had to scramble to make the next show, nobody from the government came along to give us a ride?
Was that a private road or did some local government grade and pave it for you? Did you use a cell phone from a public network to call AAA for help or did the local sheriff’s deputy stop and offer to help?
Where was your government when I had to borrow money from a bank to make my payroll?
The federal government has a number of programs to help small businesses through tough times, including guaranteeing low interest loans for individuals that own small businesses, and they would have more if the Republicans weren’t always cutting them to cut out competition for their corporate sponsors.
Where was your government while I was digging out of a two million dollar debt, playing every smoky beer joint I could to keep from losing everything I owned?
How did you run up that debt and why weren’t you eligible for bankruptcy protection? And why couldn’t you get a better paying gig? I’d like to see some real facts, and hear you take some personal responsibility for the actions that ran up those debts and destroyed your career!
Mr. Obama, I want to make you aware of a fact. It is the federal government's responsibility to build roads and bridges and keep the nation safe. That's what the federal government is supposed to do, not create an entitlement society that is totally unsustainable and pile up debt that we can't pay.
Well, that’s your opinion. The constitution says it is the job of the government to “promote the common welfare” which I interpret to include feeding the poor and healing the sick.
And who do you think paid for those roads and bridges in the first place, and have been doing it for 200 years before you were even born?
The middle class paid for them with income taxes, not the corporations who use them to distribute their goods and make a tidy profit doing so. And certainly not by multi-millionaires who pay their accountants more to avoid paying taxes than they do their entire staff of immigrant domestic laborers.
The citizens of this nation do not need to pay more taxes, the federal government needs to stop spending money it doesn't have and has to borrow.  Because the truth of the matter is that no matter how much taxes the government collects, things are only going to get worse because you'll only spend it and demand even more.
The citizens of this nation do need to stop paying taxes to subsidize the profits of the corporations. We need to raise the corporate tax rate and lower the personal tax rate—for anyone who earns less than $1,000,000 per year. Then we need to spend that money taking care of the victims of the corporate war against humanity and invest it in a fair and sustainable economy for the future.
Mr. Obama you have divided this nation by making the have-nots believe that anybody who has been successful has done so at their expense, that anything they've accumulated has been stolen, not earned. That hard work and risk had nothing to do with their success, because they’ve just been lucky and should give a big part of what they earn to the government to pass on to those who don't even try to be successful.
The haves in this country are scapegoating the have-nots, taking advantage of ignorant, prejudiced whites and religious extremists in our nation to stay in power for one more generation. The 1% attack all attempts to increase the standard of living for the majority of Americans as a free lunch and encourage Americans to undermine their own, and their children’s, future health and happiness in the name of a God that speaks through the mouths of their major donors. They are distracting us all from the real problems of today and undermining any chance we have of planning for a better tomorrow.
Look at what’s going on with the African-Americans who put their hopes and complete confidence in you and voted overwhelmingly for you. The unemployment rate is 14% and the unemployment among young African Americans is something like 40%
Is that what hope and change is all about?
African Americans are well aware that President Obama is not the cause of their continuing economic struggle, and accusing him of it is just pandering to the right.
Look at what's happening in your hometown of Chicago where the murder rate is through the roof.
What is Romney’s plan to help the people of Chicago? Oh yeah, he wants to cut important programs like Housing and Urban Development, so they can be both homeless AND afraid on the streets of Chicago.
Do you think your baseless rhetoric about the unfairness of the successful in America is going to help soothe the situation?
No, it’s not going to soothe anyone, but neither is anything you have said in this letter, so stop being a hypocrite.
Have you ever considered reaching out to them, instead of fanning the flames?
President Obama has tried to work with the Republicans and they refuse to compromise. This is a simple fact. Deal with it.
Mr. Obama I don't think you like America very much. I think you'd like to redesign it from the ground up, to turn it into a lazy, unproductive, secular, socialist society.
President Obama is an example of the fact that it is still possible for a black man to rise to the top in America with a lot of hard work, but the sad fact is that many more black men struggle daily to get by, and not because they are lazy or unproductive. America has always had a secular society that allows religious groups of different persuasions to get along in the public square…and the only danger of that ending is coming from the right, not President Obama. As for your right wing fingerpointing…this is another way to pander to the right. Socialism is not evil or even a bad idea…and President Obama is no more a socialist than President Reagan.
Well, that just wont flush in a lot of ways, the most prominent being that when all the productive people have given up and stopped trying, when all the investors stop investing, when 80% of the population is living on government hand outs, your government is going to run out of money and this nation will sink into chaos.
The actual evidence shows that states with the most comprehensive and progressive social policies actually produce more farm produce, manufactured goods and human services than states with limited social policies. So if you really do manage to secede the red states away from the blue states…it will be the red states that are starving to death. Sorry, the facts are clear.
But Mr. Obama, I’m beginning to think that's what you want.
Mr. Daniels, I’m beginning to think you want a race war!
My help cometh from the Lord who made Heaven and Earth - not the government who made debt and class envy.
Class envy has been around since there have been classes. Read the bible…especially the parts about the Romans and their slaves. Did “the Lord who made Heaven and Earth” feel that it was fair to enslave people for their debts, or put them to death for their beliefs?
What do you think?
Pray for our troops, and for our country.
I think you should stop praying and do something constructive, before it’s too late—and vote out any politician who perpetuate any of these lies!
God Bless America
Charlie Daniels
Choose peace, not war.

Donna Wickerd

1 comment:

  1. cell phones in the 50s and 60s when he started??? yeah why didnt he think of that?
