Monday, January 23, 2012

Real friends are rare...

When I was about 14 I thought it would be great to be popular. I went out of my way to be nice to everyone, even people I have very little in common with. Eventually I had lots of friends, but still wasn't very popular. For some reason, the popular girls were mean, and I could never figure out how that worked.

After I graduated, most of those friends just faded away. We were bound by the school we went to , when we stopped going to school, what little we had in common wan't enough to hold us together. Sure, there were exceptions. Actually, only one. There is only one person from high school that I care enough to talk to today. There are a few more people whose names I remember, if I came across them somewhere it would probably be a pleasant trip down memory lane, but they were never in my heart.

Today I have a very short list of friends. A few of them have become closer to me than family. Sometimes I wonder why it is so hard to make new friends, but then I remember all the "friends" I had in high school and I am just glad to have a few good friends that I can really rely on as an adult.

This weekend one of my friends rescued me. My car seemed fine a few weeks ago, then the motor mounts went and suddenly the drive shaft was about to break. He spent most of his weekend fixing my car for me, and for a pittance compared to what I would have paid someone else. I know he hates working on cars these days too, he has made the career shift into electronics and would rather stay there.

Here's to real friends...if we get one or two in a lifetime, we are blessed.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah the popular girls are mean always,Because they think there so cool,My sister had alot of friends but most of those friends just faded away..It's sad What you go through and then they just stop talking to you,My sister said all the friends became like family not even friends anymore,but Like my sister always told me if they get up and just walk away they were never friends to start with.! I love my friends but some of them get mad and just stop talking to you,Like they always say "ohh i will never leave your side,But when you REALLY need them they are always gone...Some of my friends are not even friends they are more like family to me!
